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everything is one
The brahman alone is ultimately real, the phenomenal transient world is an illusory appearance (maya) of Brahman, and the true self, atman, is not different from the Brahman.This oneness is a fundamental quality of everything. Everything is a part of and made of one nondual consciousness.

In the cosmic drama of Vishnu Avatar, divine grace unfolds through myriad incarnations, illuminating the path of righteousness and cosmic order.         The timeless saga of Rama Avatar echoes with the virtues of honor, duty, and sacrifice, inspiring generations to uphold righteousness in the face of adversity.

Living With God

Through the captivating narrative of Krishna Avatar, divine play merges with human emotions, reminding us of the eternal dance of love and devotion.         Buddha Avatar's teachings resonate across time and space, offering solace and guidance on the journey towards inner peace and liberation.

liberation during life
I am other than name, form and action.
My nature is ever free!
I am Self, the supreme unconditioned Brahman.
I am pure Awareness, always non-dual.
साघन चतुष्टय
sadhana chatushtaya
four qualities / prerequisites a student of Advaita Vedanta must possess.
Classical Advaita Vedānta emphasises the path of Jnana Yoga, a progression of study and training/ Inquiry of truth to attain moksha. It consists of fourfold qualities, or behavioral qualifications. A student in Advaita Vedānta tradition is required to develop these four qualities
नित्यानित्य वस्तु विवेकम्
Nityanitya vastu viveka
Viveka is the ability to correctly discriminate between the real and eternal (nitya) and the substance that is apparently real, illusory, changing and transitory (anitya)
इहाSमुत्रार्थ फ़लभोगविरागम्
Ihamutrartha phala bhoga viraga
The renunciation (virāga) of all desires of the mind (bhog) for sense pleasures, in this world (iha) and other worlds (amruta). Willing to give up everything that is an obstacle to the pursuit of truth and self-knowledge.
शमादि षट्क संपत्ति
Samadi Satka sampatti
The sixfold virtues or qualities
Sama - mental tranquility, ability to focus the mind.
Dama - Self-restraint,Restraining the senses.
Uparati - dispassion, lack of desire for worldly pleasures
Titiksa - endurance and perseverance
Sraddha - having faith in teacher and the Sruti scriptural texts
Samadhana -contentment, satisfaction of mind in all conditions
An intense longing for freedom, liberation and wisdom, driven to the quest of knowledge and understanding. Having moksha as the primary goal of life